Ready to leave (again)

Phew. One work-week in Flensburg. As you have seen, the Kids and Gui were underway in Flensburg – and after passing the exam I now had to concentrate on some work. So now we have a new wind generator mounted on a mast at the back of our ship. And the engine has new oil and new filters. We also have a new cutter-stay and a new foresail for it. Also a couple of improvements were done to the reefing system and the mast.

Well and now we’re *really* ready to leave for the north sea ! Tomorrow we’ll sail towards Kiel, together with Wolfgang. And on Sunday we’ll enter the NOK (channel connecting North sea and Baltic sea). I’ll do updates as we get along but now I have to concentrate on more important things (after-work beer !) Yay !!

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2 Responses to Ready to leave (again)

  1. Clemens says:

    Ist das ein Air-X Windrad? Wo hast Du’s her?


  2. dafdaf says:

    Hiho, Clemens !
    Noe, das ist ein ‘Silentwind’ Generator. Wobei die glaub ich fast identisch sind. Der macht (angeblich) max. 400W bei ca. 6Bft. Auf jeden Fall ist er recht leise. Find ich gut. – Aber besser sind die Solarpanele. Die hoert man gar nicht. ;-)
    Gruesse aus dem NOK, David