Daily Archives: Wednesday June 22nd, 2022

Gothenburg – Grebbestad – Koster – Risør

Bruno arrives on the 18.6. by plane from Berlin and I feel both proud an happy to continue this trip with him. – What could be better than 500 miles father and son sailing ? Next day we take two bikes of the sailingclub to get some fresh groceries and then we immediately leave. – Into the Skerries an easy 30 miles north and drop the anchor behind a fish farm in the Möllösund.

Leaving GothenborgLeaving the anchor place in the MöllosundPassing Gullholmen...where we decided to get a boat agagin...

After breakfast we immediately leave and it should become one of the most amazing sailing days in my life. We tack 52 miles towards north in between the islands and sometimes only have a few shiplengths to maneuver. Really exciting  – and challenging to navigate.

IMGP0468Another house wedged inbetween some rocksIMGP0464IMGP0462

The Skerries get more beautiful as we go north and although most of the islands seem empty, one can find hidden little (or not so little) houses hidden in between the rocks on most of them. We are very happy to have met John with his SY Josin, a very well outfitted Ballad 30 . He is a very experienced sailor and gave us many tips for our trip of which all have been absolut marvelous so far.

Aufkreuzen_zwischen_Gullholmen_und_GrebbestadIn the Gasthavn at GrebbestadGrebbestadTomorrow is Bruno's bd !

On the island Koster we actually wanted to celebrate Bruno’s 16th birthday and go out for dinner but it seems like the whole island is closed. The only thing open are the footpaths – everything else is closed. And I thought it would be big party as it’s midsummer today ? – But the swedish people will celebrate on the next weekend it seems. Well. We cook and Bruno blows out the candles and next day it’s sailing again. We don’t have much time as we should be in Bergen on the 30.6. and that’s not too much time.

Leaving KosterEntering the skerries W of KosterBruno chillin'First view of the E coast of Norway

So we’re really happy that the light wind that was predicted actually blows with nearly 20 knots. Going against with a 30ft boat is not too comfortable but on the other side we’re doing 7 knots and arrive in Risør, Norway at eight in the evening.

Bruno doing a Lebowski-pose on the foredeck (Tai Chi)In RisørBeautiful wooden houses in RisørRisør

The little town is really beautiful with it’s white wooden houses. – We’ll stay for a day as the wind will continue to blow from SW. Tomorrow it’ll be better and we’ll continue our way towards south Norway…

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