In the Pacific Ocean, day 3

We found the wind !! Yesterday in the afternoon the wind increased to a force three and never since we were left with less than that. After sailing for 24 hours with the Blister, today around noon a few gusts made us exchange our favourite sail for the Genoa. We still got it up and have nice sailing so far.
In the early afternoon I put the air out of the upper fuel filter and soon after the engine was running again. We left it on to charge the batteries and run the watermaker. It’s been working fine for about 1.5 hours. The filters definately weren’t the problem: the fuel was running fine when I was pumping the air out. But I think (and Gunner also had that idea) that maybe there is air entering somewhere. Probably only when we’re running on more than 50% power an thus use more fuel. Could very well be as during the repairs I did during the last months, I had to replace a couple of special ventilation-screws for normal ones and also I lost a copper fitting that I now exchanged for a rubber one. For sure not perfect – but what else would I do without replacement….
What else has happened ? Well, the kids created a bait for fishing out of a small octopus we found on deck. The work was fun – but we still didn’t catch anything.
The weather improved wind-wise but other than that we’ve got light rain since a couple of hours. As we charged our laptops when the engine was running, tonight we’ll watch a movie. Yay !!

LATITUDE: 01-45.41S, LONGITUDE: 094-03.90W, COURSE: 271T, SPEED: 4.3, WIND: S3-4, DISTANCE: 2713nm

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One Response to In the Pacific Ocean, day 3

  1. Jens says:

    Wir hatten ein ähnliches Problem, mit dem verschlissenen Gewinde einer Kraftstoff-Ventilschraube – da spritzte dann aber ein feiner, kaum sichtbarer Dieselnebel heraus (siehe oben). Da ich nicht weiss, wie ihr werkzeug- bzw materialmäßig ausgestattet seid, kann ich euch leider jetzt auch keinen Tipp geben – viel Erfolg, dennoch :-)
    Unterdruck dürfte ja kaum in eurem Tank sein