Finally underway

And what a beautiful sail we had. – Actually that’s a lie as we didn’t sail at all. There was NO WIND at all – so we drove the whole trip using our trusty old Mercedes Diesel. But despite that nuisance: I LOVE sailing through the night. The nights at sea are so magic. The sky is astonishing with it’s many stars and one has plenty of time to think, read, play with the chartplotter… ;-)

We startet at around 13h in the afternoon as we had a little problem starting the motor – which was actually an alectrical problem that was soon fixed. We passed Cup Arkona with it’s Chalk coast and it’s beautiful lighthouse. Going along the north coast of Ruegen, Gui was at the steering wheel and I went for a nap in the afternoon to take the steering at around 23h in the night. So while the crew was asleep and the radar and AIS were watching for traffic, I was finishing ‘A sea vagabond’s world’ by Bernard Moitessier. It’s a good book but it actually repeats a lot of stuff from earlier works. Well… still worth reading.

We arrived at around 07h in the morning at Grossenbrode Faehre – a lovely, small harbour where we surprised Dieter and Silke who also started their circumnavigation and are here to take a break before they’ll leave tomorrow. I sure hope that we’ll meet the crew of the SY Tamora again on our route – which is more than likely.

This entry was posted in LosLocos, Pics, Rancho Relaxo, Sailing. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Finally underway

  1. Mayer Hubert says:

    Hi Daf ! your homepage is, I know it´s the international language, all in english. so I send you this message not in german.
    congratulation to your plan sailing around the ball…..and that you really started it. i´m looking forward to your next messages ! all the best to you and your family……….. and allways enough water under your boat……. hubert, vöcklabruck

  2. dafdaf says:

    Hey Hubert !!

    Das freut mich aber, dass du unsere HP gefunden hast. – Auch wenn dir (wie so vielen) die kleine Oesterreich-Flagge rechts oben bisher verborgen blieb. Hehehehe

    Ja. – Insbesonders freut’s mich, da du ja eigentlich derjenige bist, der Gunner zum Segeln gebracht hat und dieser hat ja dann mich mit dem Virus infiziert. Insoferne hast du unbewusst einen guten Teil dazu beigetragen, dass wir hier nun in Flensburg auf unserer Rancho Relaxo sitzen.

    Ganz liebe Gruesse nach Voecklabruck !

    David & die LosLocos