Pics from the trip Swinemuende – Ruegen

Our first dive into the Baltic seas was a slightly harsh one. The sailing was actually nice and fast since we had a constant 5-7 Beaufort but underway Gui’s throat became very painful – more on that in my next post.

So the trip started with wonderful weather – blue skies and barefoot in the cockpit. Until first the warm front hit and shortly before arriving in Sassnitz, the cold front pured down on us. With all the lightning and the only sailing ship around – spooky… But we arrived savely and I could use all that nice rainwater to finally wash our deck. Hehehe.

As for Sassnitz itself: What a horror ! This port is still one of the worst in the whole Baltic sea, I guess. There’s no internet. The showers and toilets are half an hour to walk. And it’s by far the most expensive port we’ve been to ! Sassnitz sucks !!

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One Response to Pics from the trip Swinemuende – Ruegen

  1. Jan Müller-Gauf says:

    Hallo Rügen,
    erstmal gute Besserung für Gui. Wir hoffen, Ihr könnt bald wieder in See stechen und Euer Abenteuer fortsetzen.

    Am vergangenen Pfingstwochenende haben wir mit Amalia, Catalina und Diego die bisher geposteten Bilder von Euch angeschaut. Amalia erkennt Eure Kinder schon gut auf den Fotos (“Puno und Ola”) !

    Liebe Grüße aus Berlin,
